Get It Together, Girl!
See Dina Days for this look! |
My health had been struggling recently, and my alarm was no longer the happy helper it used to be. Sighing all the way there, I managed to show up on time. Slamming into my chair at the coffee shop, I looked up to apologize to my friend, and was HORRIFIED. My friend looked like she had just finished a photoshoot at Vogue...I looked like Gollum next to that makeup job. I looked down, silently praying for the earth to swallow me up, only to see that her designer purse matched her nail art. My life was over.
Feeling my pain yet? Good! While I am definitely dramatizing my experience, I think all of us can relate to the sinking feeling of being under prepared to face the world. After the coffee incident, I developed a few simple routines to always feel a little put together when I leave the house. It’s amazing what a little makeup, styled hair and a nice outfit can do for your self confidence. I believe you can be a better wife, friend, co-worker, employee, etc. when you feel your absolute best.
For starters, when putting together an outfit, considering your WHOLE look. Your hair, makeup, and accessories tell a story. If your kimono jacket is telling a bohemian tale, it makes sense that the rest of your look would tell the same sensational story. Some expert fashionistas can pull off two styles at once, BUT like I say about jazz; it might be better to leave that to the professionals. At least until we up our style game a little.
Feel free to use the following routines to up your style game!
Safety Outfits
Think of the event, and how you'd like to present yourself, and go from there. Keep in mind, that the entire outfit should be pre-planned (i.e shoes, undergarments, accessories). If it helps, takes pictures of it with your smartphone, and refer back to them on rushed days.
There is also an outfit concept called Follow The Rainbow, that works for some people. Every day for a week, make sure that your ensemble includes an item of a certain color: week one is red, two is orange, three is yellow, etc. This will encourage you to search through your closet and actually wear the pieces that have been languishing, unloved, underneath your go-to items.
*Don't have energy to pick out an outfit? Pre-plan an all-black ensemble, and slap on a bold accessory, to look instantly chic.Fast Makeup
5-Minute Face *Drugstore Edition |
I absolutely looooove doing my makeup. Doesn't matter if I'm grocery shopping, working from home, or painting the town red; I love to get dolled up. My family can humorously attest to this fact.
I do try to go makeup-less for two days every week however, so my pores can breathe. Other than that, I make the most of my makeup routine. I make time for my face.
In the rare instance, where minimal makeup is required, I follow this 15-minute makeup routine:
1. Wash and moisturize (Allow moisturizer to dry, before next step)
2. Primer
3. Concealer
4. CC cream +SPF 50
5. BROWS (Groomed brows makes your whole face look more awake.)
6. Dash of loose powder to the nose and T-zone.
Good to go!
You'll notice that I skipped mascara in this. With a minimal look, you'll want to pick one feature that gives your face that "together" look, and go simple on the rest. The feature will be different for different faces, so study your face to find the right feature for you.
For me, without groomed brows I look like a twelve year old, so this is always a feature I focus on, if nothing else.
Go-To Hairstyles
23 Go-To Hairstyles |
Admittedly, I know this, but hair doesn't excite me much, so I break this rule regularly. I usually pay for this sin, when I see my hair in a tagged Facebook photo. Regret.
As of now, my go-to hairstyles usually involve a trendy hat of some sort. Better than nothing, but I'm definitely making plans to up my hair game this summer.
Found these easy go-to hairstyles from Buzzfeed (See photo link), and they turned out to be way less complicated than the Pinterest hairstyles I've encountered. Give them a try and see if you like any!
The MOM Factor
Now I realize that busy moms out there are probably laughing at my idea of "simple" routines. Many of you struggle to make time to shower, much less plan your outfits. I get it.You deserve to be a confident woman that your kids will remember and emulate.It’s not about having enough time, it’s about making
enough time.”
― Rachael Bermingham
If you know that you're not going to have time for makeup, take the time to care of your skin. Wash your face first thing in the morning. Keeping your skin exfoliated and clean is a great way to appear like you slept the night before. This also prevents dead skin cells from clogging your pores and contributing to breakouts.
Quick 4-step face
- Wash
- Tinted Moisturizer
- Concealer to ONLY the dark areas on the under-eye (Note: Your crows feet will be HIGHLIGHTED if you load on the concealer there)
- Mascara
Consider investing in a Capsule Wardrobe, if your clothing situation is time-consuming. A capsule wardrobe is frugal, long term, and saves you time with outfit prep. See the capsule tutorials below for more information.
Capsule Wardrobe Tutorials:
How To Make a Capsule Wardrobe *Summer Edition
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Check out Dina Days inspired looks here!
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Check out Dina Days inspired looks here!