Part 1: Finding Your Style
Having a Signature Style Saves You Money ... Few people understand that they throw thousands of dollars, out the window, by not taking the time to nail down their signature style. Great style has little to do with collecting the most expensive designer outfits or ankle boots. Anyone can put together an amazing look, even on a budget. For instance, if "Kate" doesn't have a signature style, "Kate" buys tons of clothes that she is drawn to, but quickly finds that none of the random items she purchased even match. "Kate" then has to buy more clothes to match the others, spending even more money. No matter how many shirts, skirts, and accessories that she buys; "Kate" never really feels put-together. As a result, she opts for her fall-back outfits (Baggy sweatshirts, yoga pants, and hide-me clothes). "Kate" no longer feels confident in her ability to dress herself well. All of us have been like "Kate,...